- Academics
Academic Integrity
Grand Rapids Christian Middle School
Because we believe that honesty and integrity are hallmarks of Christian living and evidence of sound and legitimate academic work, we believe that plagiarism/cheating is a serious offense. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to the following:
Copying daily homework assignments or offering one’s own assignment to be copied
Cheating on assessments
Using technology, including Artificial Intelligence, to cheat
Inserting either a portion or all of a paper or project into one’s own work without citing the source
The consequences of plagiarism/cheating are determined on a case-by-case basis. The teacher(s) and the Student Life Team consult on the particulars of each incident; ultimately, the principal decides on consequences.
Grand Rapids Christian High School
At Grand Rapids Christian High School we value honesty, integrity, and academic excellence. We strive to gather evidence of student learning and to provide feedback to students on their progress. Cheating/plagiarism prohibits our ability to do this well. It does not align with the values of the school and damages the classroom community. Therefore, plagiarism/cheating is a serious offense. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to the following:
Copying assignments or offering one’s own assignment to be copied
Cheating on assessments
Using technology to cheat, including using Artificial Intelligence unethically
Inserting either a portion or all of a paper or project into one’s own work without citing the source
To help maintain academic integrity, teachers will use “Turnitin.com'' for student papers. Students who choose to cheat/plagiarize may be placed on academic probation for the remainder of their high school career.
Academic probation may include:
First Offense
The student will redo the assignment/assessment to provide evidence of learning
Track incident in Synergy
A restorative meeting with the teacher and student
Parents are notified
Student will serve Saturday school or four detentions
Student may no longer be able to voluntarily retake assessments in this class
The student is moved from responsibility period or parent-excused to guided study for one semester
The student can no longer be part of leadership roles at school for the remainder of the semester
Second Offense
All of the above
Student loses additional school privileges
A conference with the parent, teacher, student and dean of students
The student is moved from responsibility period or parent-excused to guided study for two consecutive semesters
The student can no longer be part of leadership roles at school for the remainder of the year
The student will not recieve credit for the assignment
Third Offense or Major Violation*
All of the above
Incident is tracked and will appear on the student's academic record
A meeting between the parents, student, teacher and administrator with discussion about removal from the course
The student is no longer be eligible to apply or serve in leadership roles at school
* Major violations of this policy include plagiarism of final papers and cheating on large summative assessments.