- Behavior
Behavior Code — GRCHS
Personal/Student Dignity Policy
Harassment, hazing, and bullying of individual students violates fundamental Christian principles. Therefore, the GRCS Board of Trustees has established a dignity policy. GRCHS responds to conduct, whether intentional or unintentional, which subjects another person to unwanted comments or unwanted actions because of race, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical characteristics or disability; or other harassment or bullying activity which robs the person of self-esteem, negatively impacts the learning environment or poses a threat to the person.
If harassment, hazing, or bullying takes place, the student should report it to a teacher, counselor, or administrator so that an official report can be filed and an investigation can be conducted. Findings of the investigation are shared with the parties involved and appropriate discipline will be implemented if needed. Harassment, hazing, or bullying, including verbal abuse, oral or written or online, will result in corrective action and penalties, which may include suspension or expulsion. Threats against the welfare of students or school personnel are grounds for expulsion.
The dignity policy is available here.
Bathrooms/Locker Rooms
Bathrooms and locker rooms are not to be used for social gatherings.
Students found congregating in these areas may be subject to school discipline.
Students are only permitted in locker rooms for class use, athletic practices or events, and approved after school workouts.
Students found in the locker room outside of those times may be subject to school discipline.
In order to protect students’ privacy in the locker rooms and bathrooms, cell phones and other personal communication devices may not be used in those locations. See PERSONAL DIGNITY POLICY.
Lockers and Personal Property
Lockers are available to all students. However, the lockers remain the property of the school.
Although the locker is for the personal use of the individual student, the school administration may periodically check lockers and contents as needed. School property is subject to search at any time by school officials. Those searches can take place for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent.
A student’s person and/or personal items may be searched whenever a school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials.
If a properly conducted search yields materials that are illegal or violate school policy, such findings will result in school discipline and may be turned over to proper legal authorities.
Each student is responsible for the locker to which they are assigned. Any problems with the locker must be reported to the office at once.
Defacing or other abuse of the locker is the financial responsibility of the offender for repair or replacement.
While students are not allowed to access another student’s locker, the school cannot guarantee the security of the lockers.
Students are encouraged to use school-issued locks to secure their assigned lockers.
Students are expected to take care of their personal property by locking up valuables.
Students are expected to use locks in the locker rooms and are encouraged to use locks on hallway lockers.
Only school-issued locks may be used on hallway and locker room lockers, in order to provide school officials access to locker contents.
Personal locks are not allowed and will be removed.
Locks for hallway lockers are available in the office and can be checked out for the student’s time at GRCHS.
Messaging/Signage in School
In order to promote a positive learning environment, students must receive approval from a building administrator before posting any signs or messages on school property. This includes but is not limited to anything posted to lockers, walls, bulletin boards, morning announcements, yearbooks, and school-affiliated social media pages. Posted signs and messages should relate to school-sponsored events and themes only. Any signs or messages that include inappropriate content or symbols that are potentially divisive or promote violence will not be permitted.
Students are strongly encouraged NOT to bring items of value to school. Items such as jewelry, expensive clothing, electronic devices, and the like, are unfortunately tempting targets for theft. Any valuables brought to school for any purpose are the sole responsibility of the student. School cannot be held responsible for their safekeeping and will not be liable for loss or damage to personal valuables. School personnel may not be able to investigate and/or recover lost or stolen valuables. Students bring valuables to school at their own risk.
Classroom and/or Hallway Discipline Follow-Up
In instances where a student is disruptive or disrespectful in class or in the hallway, a teacher may choose to send that student to the office or refer the student to the office to meet with an administrator. When that becomes necessary, administration will work with teachers to impose appropriate consequences and to restore relationships. Depending on the severity and frequency of the behavior, consequences may include parent communication, loss of school privileges, a restorative meeting, suspension, or removal from the course.
Chapel and Community Time Expectations
Students are expected to be respectful of what is offered during assemblies and chapels.
Food, drink, personal communication devices, headphones, earbuds, study materials and book bags are not permitted in the auditorium.
Caps and hats are not to be worn during prayer. Hoods are never to be worn in school.
Students are expected to maintain a posture of worship, which includes but is not limited to having feet on the floor, limiting side conversations, and sitting up.
Social Media
- Students may not create social media pages or other media (posters, podcasts, newspapers...) that use the school's name without permission of a school administrator. Violations may result in loss of school privileges, social probation, or suspension up to expulsion.
The school does not monitor students’ interactions on any social media sites.
However, if negative behavior on those sites creates a situation that threatens or damages the learning environment, the administrators will respond to the disruption.
The administrator will follow up with the students involved and their parents/guardians.
Consequences for creating that disruption may include social probation and/or suspension.
Drugs and Alcohol
GRCHS is a drug- and alcohol-free campus. Therefore, use or possession of alcohol (any level of alcohol content), drugsmarijuana or narcotics, imitations portrayed as drugs, or any form of drug paraphernalia, during the school day, on school property, or at school functions is prohibited. This includes use of prescription medication that does not align with the district medication policy (see Health section). Violation of this policy will result in:
First offense: a four-day suspension, indefinite social probation, loss of school privileges, and parental contact. The school may provide drug prevention and mental health resources and may require intervention and treatment plans. If a student comes to school, on school property, or to a school function having used any of these substances, the same discipline will be imposed.
Second offense; in addition to the above consequences, it will result in an indefinite suspension, and possible termination of enrollment or expulsion. Professional assessment and treatment intervention plan may be required as a condition of remaining in school.
Distribution or Sale
The distribution or sale of alcohol, drugs, or imitations portrayed as drugs, at school, on school property, or at school functions is prohibited and could result in:
Indefinite suspension and social probation up to expulsion,
The school may require professional assessment and treatment as a condition for continued enrollment.
Civil authorities may be contacted.
Tobacco and NIcotine
GRCHS is a nicotine and tobacco-free campus. Therefore, the possession or use of nicotine or tobacco in any form includes but is not limited to cigarettes, cigars, spit tobacco, snus, tobacco strips and sticks, dissolvable tobacco products, hookah, e-cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery devices and any new and emerging tobacco products on campus, in the near-vicinity of the school property or at school functions is prohibited. Offenses involving possession or use of those products will be handled as follows:
First offense: parent/guardian communication, two-day suspension and social probation. During suspension the student completes a web-based tobacco education program.
Second offense: parent/guardian communication, four-day suspension as well as indefinite social probation. Referral for mental health resources and treatment intervention plan. Following all recommendations for further assistance from the assessment is a necessary condition to be allowed back into classes.
Third offense and beyond: indefinite suspension and social probation as well as consideration for expulsion.
Student Treatment and Assessment Plans
In order to keep the school and student safe, there are times when the partnership between school and home must extend to other trained professionals. Because of this, GRCHS may require a student to undergo professional assessment and/or treatment by a school-approved professional as a condition for continued enrollment. The school may require proof of completion of the assessment or treatment plan and reserves the right to make enrollment decisions based on the provided results. Depending on the circumstances, students may or may not be permitted to attend school and school events pending results of the treatment/assessment. The list of potential issues being treated or assessed include but are not limited to self-harm, harm to others, and addiction. Payments for these assessments and treatments are the responsibility of the family.
Physical Altercation or Fighting
Fighting of any kind is prohibited on school grounds (this includes rough play fighting). Engaging in this behavior at school may result in:
Loss of school privileges
A restorative meeting with all parties involved
A behavior contract
An indefinite suspension up to expulsion
Parent communication
Indefinite social probation
Taking, receiving, or being in possession of another person’s or the school's property without permission of the owner, regardless of monetary value, is theft. Theft creates unhealthy relationships between those involved.
Person(s) involved in theft are expected to make restitution to the owner and will receive an indefinite suspension up to expulsion.
Civil authorities may be called
Fire Alarms
Activating or playing with the school fire alarm system in any way is forbidden and may result in suspension. Because the school fire alarm system is tied directly to the Grand Rapids Fire Department, violators of this policy are subject to the city’s fines and consequences.
Gambling includes casual betting, betting pools, organized-sports betting, and any other form of wagering. Students who bet on an activity in which they are involved may also be banned from that activity. All forms of gambling and exchanges of money are prohibited at school. Violations of this rule may result in suspension, loss of school privileges or expulsion.
Incendiary Devices
Use of any incendiary or explosive devices (including lighters, matches, and firecrackers) at school or school functions is strictly forbidden and may result in suspension or expulsion.
Threats of any kind against school or the welfare of students or school personnel are grounds for expulsion. Civil authorities may be called.
Students and others on the school premises without administrative permission while the school is closed are trespassing. The school will respond to such trespassing whether for pranks, vandalism, or hanging out with school discipline. The school may also choose to file charges with civil authorities.
Unauthorized Sales
Students may not buy or sell products in school. Participating in this activity may result in suspension and loss of school privileges.
Vandalism or Destruction of Property
Vandalism to or destruction of property of the school is prohibited and results in school discipline. Discipline may include restitution, suspension, or expulsion and civil authorities may be called.
Vandalism to or destruction of the property of students or school personnel may be considered harassment or bullying and may result in appropriate consequences.
Possession of any weapon, including but not limited to guns or knives, or any look-alike, regardless of intent, is not allowed in or around the school or at any school function and is grounds for suspension up to expulsion. Depending on the circumstances, civil authorities may be contacted.
Citizenship and Community Responsibility
Student conduct outside of regular school hours and activities may be the concern of the school. Student conduct which is disruptive to the school community may warrant school involvement and disciplinary action even though such conduct may have been outside the regular school day or away from the school premises. In instances where students have committed legal infractions, the school reserves the right to impose school penalties including social probation, suspension, or expulsion.
Social Probation, Suspension, Termination of Enrollment, and Expulsion
The school reserves the right to withhold educational services in those cases where a student refuses to follow school regulations or where the presence of a particular student is judged to be a danger or a disruptive force.
Suspension may take place in school or at home as deemed appropriate by the school administration.
Parent/guardian is informed of all suspensions.
Although students may work independently on their course work, teachers’ obligations to forward class work during suspensions may be limited.
Students who are suspended from classes may not participate in or attend extra-curricular activities or be on campus during that time.
The school may impose social probation as a means of discipline.
Social probation limits the student’s attendance at or participation in school-related functions outside the classroom or the regular school day.
The terms and length of time for such probation is determined on an individual basis.
- If the administration recommends termination of enrollment or expulsion to the board, the student and their parent/gaurdian are formally informed in writing of the reasons for that action.