- Behavior
Behavior Code
Iroquois, Evergreen, Rockford Christian
The expectations for student behavior toward one another and to the adults at Grand Rapids Christian Schools are reflective of the GRCS 3 C's and Portrait of a Graduate. At GRCS we are committed to putting forth our best efforts as we live and learn in community together. We respect and encourage one another because we are made uniquely in the image of God and because He calls us to live in unity and harmony with one another. We live and learn in a community because positive relationships are essential to an effective learning environment.
When expectations for behavior are not met, the community is broken. When community is broken, it is necessary for restoration to occur through discipline and consequences. The word “discipline” is taken from the same root of the word “disciple,” meaning to “train” or “build into,” which reflects our school mission of training our students to become effective servants of Christ. The discipline system outlined here is meant to restore the individual and the community and to provide logical consequences for inappropriate behavior.
Respect and Integrity
Students are expected to treat everyone with respect. Language and actions should build one another up. Honesty is expected at all times, including on school work and assignments. Plagiarism and cheating are dishonest.
Student Language
If a student uses profanity, violent phrases or other inappropriate language our teachers and administrators consider it a teaching opportunity and handle it directly in a firm, loving manner. Our students are taught that bad language does not honor God and is not tolerated at school. If the problem persists with a particular student the parents are notified.
Students learn good stewardship in caring for their own belongings and respecting the property of others. Students are expected to treat school property with respect including buildings, furnishings, learning materials, technology, and school grounds.
Students are also expected to respect others’ property (desks, lockers, locker contents, supplies, etc.). It is important for students to take responsibility when they cause damage to things that do not belong to them. If this occurs, the school will work with the student and parents towards an equitable agreement for restitution.
Messaging/Signage in School
In order to promote a positive learning environment, students must receive approval from a building administrator before posting any signs or messages on school property. This includes but is not limited to anything posted to lockers, walls, bulletin boards, morning announcements, yearbooks, and school-affiliated social media pages. Posted signs and messages should relate to school-sponsored events and themes only. Any signs or messages that include inappropriate content or symbols that are potentially divisive will not be permitted.
Prohibited items
Students should not bring any items to school that would be considered a nuisance, distracting, or dangerous. Items that would be included in this area include, but are not limited to, the following: illicit substances, weapons, pets, pepper spray, air horns, etc.
RCS Social Media
Students may not create social media pages or other media (posters, podcasts, newspapers...) that use the school's name without permission of a school administrator. Violations may result in loss of school privileges, social probation, or suspension up to expulsion.
The school does not monitor students’ interactions on any social media sites.
However, if negative behavior on those sites creates a situation that threatens or damages the learning environment, the administrators will respond to the disruption.
The administrator will follow up with the students involved and their parents/guardians.
Consequences for creating that disruption may include social probation and/or suspension.
- Evergreen
- Iroquois
- Rockford