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Clubs and Organizations

Clubs and Organizations


Occasionally special clubs and activities are offered for students for particular grade levels or at certain campuses. You will find these opportunities posted in the home bulletin.

Grand Rapids Christian Middle School

School-related clubs, activities and enrichment opportunities encourage students to explore their talents in a variety of ways. Some of the programs have no charge while others may include small fees. 

A list of GRCMS Clubs and Enrichment Opportunities are available online here.

This information will inform you of the many opportunities available and help you navigate your child’s experiences to plan accordingly for your family. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these programs, please contact the school office at 616.574.6300.

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Groups of students with special interests or common aims may be organized into clubs with specific purposes and programs with an adult advisor/sponsor approved by the administration. Clubs vary with changes in interests and demand. 

The clubs are composed of students who are interested in such things as Christian service, recreation, particular hobbies, and special academic activities. 

No group of students is permitted to initiate an organization or activity or use the school name, without making a request for such an organization to the administration and having an advisor/ sponsor from the staff appointed.

Click here for current GRCHS clubs and organizations.

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