- Opportunities
Grand Rapids Christian High School
Dance Procedures
Students leaving early may not return to the dance and must leave school property.
Students exhibiting inappropriate behavior will be sent home without a refund of their ticket and may be prohibited from attending future dances.
Parent chaperones are there to assist and help supervise dances and should be respected by all attendees.
All GRCHS rules apply at school-sponsored social events.
Students are required to bring a valid school ID.
Students attending social events must be appropriately dressed, demonstrate appropriate conduct, and show respect to all chaperones.
Only current GRCHS students are admitted to school dances. If a student wishes to bring a guest, they may do so if permission is granted by a school administrator and a guest form has been completed.
Smoking and drinking are prohibited at any school-sponsored activity. If students have been suspected of drinking, a breathalyzer will be used, their parents will be notified, and if necessary the police will be contacted. There will also be school discipline including suspension and social probation and possible expulsion.
Students must have a positive attendance and behavior record at school to attend activities and dances.