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  • Communication

School to Home Communication

Electronic Bulletins 

The school communicates primarily through the Home Bulletins. These weekly digital (bi-weekly at GRCHS) publications are emailed to all current parents at each campus. The bulletins are also posted on the schools’ website. The bulletins are used to share campus-specific information and news, announcements, and updates on past and upcoming events.

If you are not receiving the home bulletin and would like to, email Loreen Standel.

Parent Portal

The GRCS website Parent Portal includes information for parents that is not included on our public website such as online directories, lunch payment information, and a link to ParentVUE.


ParentVUE provides access to your child’s schedule, grade book, attendance, and report cards. When logged into ParentVUE, go to Account to set up automatic notifications to receive automated emails on attendance and gradebook. See the ParentVUE User Guide for more information.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Grand Rapids Christian High School

Parent Teacher Conferences take place in the fall and spring. Teachers are available in the All City Gym for two nights. Parents can drop in either night and choose the teachers they wish to see. A schedule with part time teacher availability is emailed to you before conferences take place. 

Grand Rapids Christian Middle School and Rockford Christian (Middle)

Classroom and co-curricular teachers set aside time for parent teacher conferences in the fall and spring. We encourage parents to take the time to meet and review their child’s progress.

GRCES Evergreen and Iroquois, Rockford Christian (Elementary) 

In the fall and spring, classroom teachers set aside time for parent/teacher conferences. While it is not required, we encourage parents to take the time to meet and review their child’s progress. Please be respectful of the time the teacher has set aside to discuss your student. Notify the office immediately if you cannot keep your scheduled time 

Classroom Communication

GRCES Evergreen and Iroquois, Rockford Christian (Elementary) 

Teachers communicate weekly with parents/guardians important information via email. Student learning captured via photos, audio, video, and captions will be shared with families via Seesaw.

Report Cards

Report cards can be accessed in ParentVUE or on the ParentVUE app under 'Documents' after Fall and Spring Semesters are complete. These PDF documents can be printed or downloaded.

Problem Solving

Open and honest communication between parents and teachers is very important and the responsibility of both. It is within the context of open communication that problems are solved. If parents have questions or comments regarding general school policy, they should contact administrative staff to discuss these concerns. In other situations, parents are asked to contact the staff person who is closest to the situation. If the situation is unresolved, the principal should be contacted.

Chain of Communication

We understand that questions and concerns may arise during the school year. As Christians we know that God calls us to bring our concerns and questions to one another in love and respect. If a question, problem, or concern develops in class, please have your child reach out to their teacher via email or in person to gain understanding. If questions remain, it is recommended that you and your student follow the chain of communication to bring about a resolution. 

  1. Classroom teacher

  2. Student’s Counselor

  3. Building administration

  4. Superintendent

Parent and Guardian Communication

It is Grand Rapids Christian Schools Board policy that parents provide information regarding any custody or visitation restrictions for their child, which is kept in the child’s record at GRCS. Without documentation, GRCS sends all communication to and gives both parents/legal guardians education and custody rights. GRCS abides by all court restrictions as long as a copy of a custody or visitation agreement has been provided.

It is GRCS policy to permit those persons identified to GRCS as a student’s guardian or parent to visit the students on school grounds, participate in school-sponsored trips and remove the student from campus. Changes to these policies, whether to add or except a parent, must be requested in writing.

  • Evergreen
  • GRCS
  • Iroquois
  • Rockford