- District
Statement of Faith
We believe in one God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who has revealed Himself in the Holy Bible. This God is present today and controls both humankind and history. We believe and confess that:
God shows himself through all he has made - for God has made everything
God shows himself in justice and mercy over against the sin and evil which has invaded God's creation
God shows himself and the way of salvation in his Word the Holy Scriptures
God shows himself most fully in his Son Jesus Christ, who, by miraculous birth, became a human being for our sake, suffered, died, and was raised to conquer the power of sin and the curse of death under which we all live.
Further, we believe and confess that:
Jesus Christ is now the Lord of all things, both in the created world and in the Church - the fellowship of the redeemed
Jesus Christ is now gathering and preserving his Church so that her members may be his servants in this world; Jesus Christ shall return on the day of the Father's choosing to judge all humanity, the living and the dead.
This faith clearly has consequences for the church and the Christian home. It also has special consequences for those involved in Christian day schools, which exist in concert with the home and the church for the nurturing of Christian teaching and life. Because the Lord is Lord of all life, we profess and declare that:
Our students are presented with the basic message of Scripture and the redemption that has been given in Christ.
Our students are instructed in Scriptural principles that guide them in mature living - in its spiritual, intellectual, and behavioral dimensions.
Because our Lord is Lord of all life, we further profess and declare that:
Obedience to God involves us in a thorough investigation of all reality, and that students and teachers alike should seek to integrate their personal faith with all areas of learning;
Obedience to God involves us in urgency to promote this Lordship of Christ within the communities of our schools and throughout the entire world through the agency of the schools as well as the church and family.
All this we profess and declare in the sure and certain hope that as we nurture our children in the knowledge and love of the Lord, God himself will guide, preserve and bless these efforts through the work of the Holy Spirit.
- Evergreen
- Iroquois
- Rockford