- Behavior
The Eagle Blueprint
The Eagle Blueprint
- GATHER together in community: 1 John 4:7
- GLORIFY God through prayer, praise and worship: Psalm 101:1
- GROW in our knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:9
- GO in peace in the presence of the Holy Spirit: Numbers 6:22-24
- WELCOME and INCLUDE our neighbors: Romans 12:9-10,13
- LISTEN to, RESPECT, and SEEK JUSTICE for those around us: Micah 6:8
- ENCOURAGE one another and CELEBRATE our unique stories and gifts: Matthew 5:16
- CARE for our school and PRACTICE stewardship: Philippians 2:3-4
- EXPLORE God's world and ENGAGE in new opportunities to DISCOVER my gifts: Psalm 24:1
- LIVE WITH INTEGRITY in words and actions and SEEK RESTORATION after conflict: Colossians 3:12-14
- WORK to achieve my personal best and PERSEVERE in difficult situations
- BALANCE all aspects of life and CARE for my spiritual, physical and mental health: Proverbs 4:23