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Board of Trustees

The members of the Grand Rapids Christian Schools (GRCS) Board of Trustees are elected by the GRCS membership each year at the Annual Meeting of the membership. Board members are required to meet specific criteria in order to be elected to the Board of Trustees and may serve for a maximum of two consecutive three-year terms. Board member requirements include:

  1. Membership in GRCS in good standing who subscribes to the doctrinal basis set forth in the GRCS bylaws.

  2. Acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

  3. Commitment to the GRCS mission and is a proponent of Christian education shaped by a Reformed theological perspective.

  4. Commitment to investment of time and energy necessary to ensure GRCS integrity throughout the community.

Board of Trustees

Rebecca Jordan Heys President
Debbye Turner Bell Vice President
Chris TerVeen Treasurer
Caleb Doezema, '94 Secretary
Kara Amash  
Khary Bridgewater  
Jonathan Kok  
Jamie Kuiper  
Khan Nedd  
Leroy Stegink  
Nancy Triezenberg  

Sarah Visser

Mark Wright  


The Board of Trustees humbly embraces its role and the trust placed in its care by the GRCS membership. It strives to advance the mission of Grand Rapids Christian Schools, which is to prepare students to be effective servants of Christ in contemporary society. In order to advance this mission, members of the Board pledge to live lives reflective of Christ’s character and seek God’s will in the decisions it makes regarding educational programs it provides children in Preschool-12th grade each year.


The Board of Trustees welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please address your e-mail communications for board members to