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Evergreen Recess Volunteers Guidelines
Thank you for considering volunteering during our lunch recess at GRCES, Evergreen. A few responsibilities and reminders can be found below. 
Volunteers will partner primarily with Mrs. Kathryn Breuninger. On her person, Kathryn has a walkie-talkie for communicating with the office as well, for building access, the recess bell, and a first aid fanny-pack. 
Recess volunteers are asked to:
  • Arrive at 12:10pm; stop in the office upon arrival to 
    • sign in 
    • fill out a name badge
    • pickup a first aid fanny-pack
  • Stroll the playgrounds, staying visible to students and asking students to stay within clear sightlines:
    • Keep students away from the windows of the Head Start wing of the building
    • Keep students from going past midfield of the soccer field
  • At 12:35, the recess bell is rung to signal time to line up: assist students in leaving the playgrounds in a timely manner and lining up calmly with their Teams

Evergreen Campus Recess Volunteers Signup Link

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