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High School Principal's Corner — March 30, 2021

Dear GRCHS Families and Friends, 

As we finish up a much different, but much needed Winterim, we give thanks for some new experiences and distinct reminders about the joys of learning and exploring God’s world. 

Before writing today’s Home Bulletin, I looked back to last year and my opening line was “What a time that we find ourselves in.” We had no idea what was to come, but we did know that we could rest in God’s promises to uphold us. Holy Week is a time to reflect on those promises and rest in the fact that God is and will continue to hold us together.

Although there are so a lot of positives from the school year, many of us in school (and probably in other settings) feel like we are stumbling to the finish line, and we’re not sure where that finish line is. I have found myself looking forward to spring break as one milestone and a time of rest. I was reminded this week that God knows my weariness and has asked me to lay down my burdens at the foot of the cross. I have tried in my personal devotions this week to both acknowledge the pain of the cross on Good Friday and to rest in the hope of the resurrection on Easter Sunday.

John 16:32-33 says, 

"A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

My prayer is that we are upheld by these words and that the signs of spring are reminders of these truths in our lives.

Thank you for running this race with us this year. We are so grateful for your prayers and words of encouragement. May your family have a blessed Easter and spring break away from school.

— Brad

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