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Iroquois Principal's Corner — September 15, 2020

Happy Tuesday!

Can you believe we are over four weeks into the school year? As I sit in one of the best seats in the house, I can confidently share that things have shifted from newness into a routine, learning is happening, and our Christian community is flourishing. Iroquois teachers are working incredibly hard and doing such an excellent job for our kids. I am grateful to them for all their hard work! God bless our teachers!

Today is the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month! At Iroquois, we are thrilled to learn more about and honor our brothers and sisters who are from a variety of countries around our world.

Did you know all the students at Iroquois learn the Spanish language? How cool is that!

What a blessing it is that our kids can celebrate and learn about cultures that exist in our community, knowing God’s children have a variety of histories that greatly impact our present day. This is something I’m so happy our kids get to spend time on in their time in school.

Please make sure you are filling out those health screeners in the morning. Be careful in how you fill them out as a single error can result in an issue with reporting. Thank you for taking the time to fill those out.

I’m thrilled to partner with you this year amidst a lot of tough stuff. God has blessed each step on this adventure of a school year. Have a wonderful week, and God bless!

—John Barkel

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