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Rockford Christian Home Bulletin News — October 3

Rockford Campus News

Lost and Found 

Check out our digital lost and found. 

Middle School Lost and Found    Elementary Lost and Found

🥙  PT Conference Meals:

Please check out the sign-up to choose an item to bring to bless our staff with a meal during the long days of PT Conferences on October 12 and 17. The food sign up for conferences can be found here. Thank you! 

💼 Learning Commons Volunteer

Attention parents! Do you love books? Do you love to volunteer at school? Are you organized and a lover of detail? If so, we would LOVE to have you volunteer in the Learning Commons! We might task you with things like shelving books, cleaning up messy shelves, delivering books and other things to classrooms + more! We promise it will be fun - because the library is the BEST place to be! If you are interested, please contact Carla Hardy at Thank you! 

💼 Job Posting

RCS has an opening for a Middle School Student Support and Inclusion Aide.

Please reach out if you know someone who might be interested.


🏈 Join us for 8th Grade Night on Friday, October 13

Grand Rapids Christian Middle School and Rockford Christian School 8th Graders and their families are invited to :

  • GRCHS Varsity Football on Friday, October 13  Be our guest on the Event Deck at Eagle Stadium. The event Deck opens at 6:00 PM and kick-off is at 7:00 pm. Admission for your family and dinner is provided. Please RSVP HERE by Monday, October 9.

Contact Vickie Fischer, GRCHS Director of Admissions, at 616-574-5605 or if you have any questions. GO EAGLES! 


🙏 Parents and Grandparents in Prayer

We would love to welcome parents and grandparents to join us in praying for our school. For a number of years, parents and grandparents have been meeting one morning a week to pray for our teachers, staff, students and school community. We would love to continue that tradition again this year. 

Parents and Grandparents in Prayer meet on Wednesday mornings in the school parking lot at 8:45 after drop-off. We typically walk around the campus as we pray. Little siblings are welcome to join us. We follow the guidelines outlined by Moms in Prayer International. Here is a link to the Moms in Prayer resource.

🛝 Recess Duty

We are always looking for parents to step in and help with recess duty at lunchtime. 12:20 pm to 1 pm. This is a great chance to be on campus and enjoy watching our students interact! Sign up here to join us for recess duty at Rockford Christian.

🗓 Upcoming Dates / Events

October 11 

  • No RPS PM Busing
  • 4th grade Field Trip

October 12 and 17 

  • Parent - Teacher Conferences

October 18-20

  • RCS Fall Break and Teachers' Convention


❗️Friendly Reminders

🌲 A Note from Outdoor Education 

On Belding Road just east of Northland Drive is a sign that reads “MDOT Adopt-a-Highway” and just below that another that says “Rockford Christian School.” This week our seventh and eighth graders walked this stretch up to Myers Lake Road and participated in doing our duty for the 20th consecutive year by picking up and bagging the trash along the highway. Why do this? RCS is not a stand-alone entity but we strive to be a part of a community and an ambassador of creation care. This is a tangible way for our students to realize this and for our neighbors to witness it. We see it as a simple way of being salt and light in our world. 
   The Pop Can and Spare Change Drive: Our September effort brought in $200.71 for Baxter Community Center. For October, we will focus our efforts on helping World Renew fund water filtration systems for families.


We successfully hit our fundraising goal and had a wonderful day celebrating with students. Many thanks to the HH committee and the volunteers for all the work put into the event. Special thanks to Abby Lewis who provided hayrides to all the elementary students and Grange Fruit Farm who donated all the apples to the students.

Congratulations to the following students:
Molly Phelps  who won the "Above and Beyond AOK" award in middle school
Kolten Koetsier who won the "Above and Beyond AOK" award in the elementary school
The "Top Dollar Student" was a three-way tie between Grayden, Paisley, and Norah Zylstra



RCS TRIP Office 

The TRIP Office is available on Tuesday mornings in the RCS Office from 8 am to 10 am.

New to TRIP? TRIP allows you to reduce the cost of tuition by purchasing gift cards and gift certificates for things you buy every day from hundreds of national and local vendors.

How does TRIP work? When you purchase gift cards at face value, a percentage of your purchase is credited to your TRIP account. Two times per year (November 1 and May 1), the accumulated TRIP credits are applied as payment to your tuition account, or donated to the tuition account you have designated.


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