Our mission is to prepare students to be effective servants of Christ in contemporary society. We strive to instill a love for learning and a love for Christ in each child. Our goal is to provide our students with opportunities to explore, understand, and delight in God’s universe. Students are encouraged to explore old and new questions through a Biblical perspective. Our teachers and staff convey God’s love and are committed to excellence in His name. We expect our students to be reflective, to ask questions, to discern what is true, and to seek wisdom. Our desire is to join the Holy Spirit in the work of redeeming God’s world through work and service.
Our curriculum is rigorous and well-rounded, designed to lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning. In addition to the core subjects of Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Bible, the GRCS curriculum includes World Language, Physical Education, Fine Arts and Technology. We use the Common Core State Standards, the ACT College Readiness Curriculum, the MI Quality Indicators for Early Learning, and the Michigan Curriculum Framework as the basis for our K-12 offerings, content, and skills. Our curriculum, focused on educating our students for the 21st century, is founded on the Reformed worldview of creation, fall, redemption and restoration.
- Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
- Elementary Curriculum
- Middle School Curriculum
- High School Curriculum
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
The Common Core State Standards( CCSS) provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy.
Building on the excellent foundation of standards states have laid, the CCSS are the first step in providing our young people with a high-quality education. It should be clear to every student, parent, and teacher what the standards of success are in every school. The Common Core State Standards have been written for English language arts and mathematics, and have been adopted by 45 states, including Michigan. Common Core literacy standards have also been integrated into social studies, science, music, art and other technical subjects. This educational movement has been described as “... the most sweeping reform of the K-12 curriculum that has ever occurred in this country” (Calkins 1). See the Core Standards website for more information.
Elementary Curriculum
Every student in our elementary schools receives instruction in Bible, mathematics, English language arts, science, social studies, art, music, physical education and foreign language learning.
Grade One
First graders study The Bible as God’s Story, learning about God through stories from the Old and New Testaments and memorizing key verses.
They learn literacy skills to read, write, speak, and listen, using an integrated literacy series that gives them the ability to notice, think about and work with the individual sounds in spoken words, learn the relationship between the sounds of spoken language and the letters of the alphabet that represent those sounds in written language.
They develop reading comprehension, writing skills and develop reading practices.
They can count, write and order numbers, add and subtract, measure, tell time, count money, work with shapes, data charts and probability.
They learn about their community: school, family and neighborhoods as well as other communities, and study science topics about plants and animals, magnets and rocks, health and nutrition.
Grade Two
Second graders study The Bible as the Story of Jesus, learning about His life and redemptive work from the New Testament and engaging in memory work.
- They use literacy skills to read, write, speak, and listen, with an integrated approach that gives them skills in word recognitions, reading fluency, comprehension of narrative and informational text, development of writing traits and the use of writing tools, spelling, and handwriting. Additionally they work on listening and speaking skills.
- In math, they learn about place and value, addition and subtraction of whole numbers, multiplication and division, fractions, geometric ideas, measurements, and pictographs.
- They continue to learn about their community and communities around the world, and study science topics such as plants and animals, the surface of the earth, health and water cycles, sound and matter.
Grade Three
Third graders study God’s promise as taught in the Old Testament and key memory verses.
- They use literacy skills to read, write, speak, and listen, using an integrated approach that develops word recognitions, reading fluency, comprehension of narrative and informational text, writing traits, spelling, handwriting, as well as listening and speaking skills.
- In math, they understand and solve problems with number operations that include place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and data measurement. They also learn about geometry and data charts.
- They study Grand Rapids and develop geography and map skills.
- In science, they explore topics like animal classification and life cycles, bones and muscles, friction, motions and machines, pollutions and recycling.
Grade Four
In fourth grade, students study the books of the Bible, God’s work with the people of Israel and Judah, and learn key memory verses.
- They use literacy skills such as reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing, to develop good writing, spelling and word study.
- They read a variety of literature to improve reading comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and their understanding of narrative and informational texts.
- They understand and solve problems using multiplications, division, fractions, decimals, geometry, measurement, data interpretation, and probability.
- They study Michigan, learn about ecosystems, health topics, changes in matter, electricity and magnetism, astronomy and earth surface using the skills of a geographer.
Middle School Curriculum
Grade Five
Academic Courses
English Language Arts
This course teaches students critical reading and viewing skills, as well as effective communication through writing and speaking. Students study specific narrative genres and literature, use of information texts, reading, vocabulary, writing, grammar, spelling, punctuation, word study, and English usage. It also covers speaking, presenting information, active listening, research and using and evaluating technology resources and media.
This course uses a various resources to teach math concepts at the grade level. Students learn the understanding and applications of concepts and problem-solving skills in the areas of number and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data and probability. In the fifth grade, there is an emphasis on understanding the addition and subtraction of fractions, along with continued consolidation of multiplication and division concepts and skills with whole numbers. The concept of remainders in whole number division is addressed. Students learn the meaning of a fraction and work with decimals and percentages.
This course introduces students to concepts in physical and life sciences. It focuses on developing inquiry learning skills and focuses on topics related to scientific inquiry and reasoning, including units on classification, adaptations, classifications, heredity, earth and solar system, force and motion.
Social Studies
This course introduces students to the Western hemisphere and the themes of geography, history and economics. Units are integrated with inquiry, writing, technology skills and research skills. Students study various countries and areas of the hemisphere countries and the U.S. in a project-based setting.
The focus of this year’s study is Jesus’ life and ministry, as well as on various types of Old Testament books. Students are engaged with activities that make connections to their lives, learn through memory work, and understand these truths through the framework of a reformed Christian perspective.
Co-Curricular Courses
This program encompasses six design and media goals, including perception, conceptualization, visual organization, creative expression, applications skills, and aesthetic appreciation for the visual arts. Students study and apply design elements, various media processes, knowledge of art styles and themes in this year-long course.
General Music
This program integrates knowledge of choral reading, understanding, performance skills, and aesthetic appreciation of choral music. The focus areas for choral music include rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, approach to vocal music and awareness of various forms and styles. Additionally, students will study musical theatre, music history and important musical pieces.
Physical Education
This program engages students in health and fitness activities, develops skills and proficiency in various team sports, track and field events, and gymnastics, offers various movement experiences, develops understandings in these areas, and provides decision-making opportunities. Girls and boys classes are separated and offer focused experiences.
World Language - Spanish
All students are engaged in world language learning through a communicative approach to language with emphasis on speaking and listening. Students learn to converse with teachers and friends, talk about themselves, exchange information, as well as identifying Spanish-speaking countries, learning about their cultures, and developing cross cultural competencies.
Grade Six
Academic Courses
English Language Arts
This course teaches students critical reading and viewing, as well as effective communication skills through writing and speaking. Students study various aspects of literature, reading, vocabulary, writing, grammar, punctuation, English usage, speaking, presenting information, listening, research, evaluating technology resources and viewing media.
This courses focuses on grade-level content expectations with an emphasis on understanding and applying math skills, concepts and problem-solving skills in areas such as pre-algebra, measurement, probability and statistics, geometry, fractions, decimals and percents. Units include Prime Time, Shapes and Design, Data Around Us, Covering and Surrounding, How Likely It Is, and Bits and Pieces II.
This course introduces students to concepts in the areas of earth and space, physical and life sciences. Students develop inquiry skills and focus on topics related to the scientific method, science in the city, adaptations and diversity, mixes and solutions, simple machines and energy, classifications and patterns of living things.
Social Studies
This course introduces students to the Eastern hemisphere. The curriculum integrates themes of geography, economics, history and research, writing and technology skills. Students study early civilizations in Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceana regions.
This course teaches the Old Testament stories, covenants, and lessons from creation through the reign of David. Students are engaged in activities that connect their lives, learn through memory work, and explore truths from a reformed Christian perspective.
Co-Curricular Courses
This program focuses on six design and media goals, including perception, conceptualization, visual organization, creative expression, applications skills, and aesthetic appreciation for the visual arts. Students study and apply design elements, various media processes, and knowledge of art styles and themes over the course of the year.
General Music
This program integrates knowledge of choral reading, understanding, performance skills, and aesthetic appreciation of choral music. Students will focus on rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, approach to vocal music and awareness of various forms and styles. Additionally, students will study musical theatre, music history and important music pieces.
Physical Education
This program engages students in health and fitness activities, develops skills and proficiency in various team sports, track and field events, and gymnastics, offers various movement experiences, develops understandings in these areas, and provides decision-making opportunities. Girls and boys classes are separated and offer focused experiences.
World Language -Spanish
All students are engaged in world language learning through a communicative approach to language with an emphasis on speaking and listening. Students will learn to converse with teachers and friends, talk about themselves, exchange information, as well as identifying Spanish-speaking countries, learning about their cultures, and developing cross-cultural competencies.
Elective Performance Courses
Instrumental Music
Instrumental classes are held three days a week. Students may choose to participate in one instrumental group, such as band or orchestra. It's important to carefully consider the commitment involved in being a member of a performing group. Students who choose to join band or orchestra must commit to a full school year of rehearsals and performances.
String Orchestra
The strings program provides an orchestra experience that integrates reading, understanding, performing and valuing music. Key focus areas include rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, approach to vocal music and awareness of various forms and styles.
The band program offers a performance experience that integrates reading, understanding, performing and valuing music. Key focus areas include rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, approach to vocal music and awareness of various forms and styles.
Grade Seven
Academic Courses
English Language Arts
This course focuses on critical reading, effective writing and verbal communication. It covers literature, reading, vocabulary, writing, grammar, punctuation, English usage, speaking together, presenting information, listening, research, evaluating technology resources and viewing media.
This course emphasizes understanding and applying skills, concepts and problem solving in areas of pre-algebra, measurement, probability and statistics, geometry, fractions, decimals and percents. Specific units include Comparing and Scaling, Stretching and Shrinking, Accentuating the Negative, Filling and Wrapping, Moving Straight Ahead, Variables and Patterns.
This course is for students who qualify through the Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test and teacher recommendations in grade six and who have completed a pre-algebra bridge program. The course meets grade eight algebra standards and includes algebra topics.
This course introduces students to concepts in physical and life sciences, focusing on inquiry skills that include research skills. Topics include the scientific method, interactions and biomes, force and motions, astronomy, human body systems and health.
Social Studies
This course integrates the Michigan core curriculum standards to teach students United States history from the pre-colonial era through the U.S. Constitution, while also incorporating literacy skills.
This course covers Old Testament stories, covenants, and lessons from the reign of Solomon through the inter-testament era with emphasis on the prophets. Students engage in activities that connect to their lives, learn Bible passages, and explore truths through the framework of reformed Christianity.
Co-Curricular Courses
This program includes six design and media goals: perception, conceptualization, visual organization, creative expression, applications skills, and aesthetic appreciation for the visual arts. Throughout this year-long course, Students study and apply design elements, various media processes, and gain a knowledge of art styles and themes.
World Language - Spanish
In this course, students develop their speaking and listening skills and begin to acquire reading and writing abilities in the Spanish language. They learn more about grammar and language use and develop cross-cultural competencies and cultural appreciation. Classes are conducted mostly in the target language.
Physical Education
This program involves students in health and fitness activities, helps them develop skills and proficiency in various team sports, and individual performance, such as track and field events, dance, gymnastics. It offers various movement experiences, helps students understand these areas, and provides decision making opportunities. Girls and boys classes are separated and offer focused experiences.
Elective Performance Courses
Instrumental Music
The music program offers instrumental classes three days a week. Student can choose to participate in either band or orchestra. It's important to carefully consider the commitment involved in joining a performing group. Students who choose to join the band or orchestra must commit to a fully school year of rehearsals and performances.
Choral Music
The choral program focuses on developing music reading skills, musicality, performance skills, and appreciation of choral music. It covers various aspects such as rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, and different forms and styles of vocal music.
String Orchestra
The strings program offers an orchestra experience that integrates knowledge of reading, understanding, performing and valuing music. The focus areas include rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, and various forms and styles of vocal music.
The band program integrates knowledge of reading, understanding, performing and valuing music through a performance experience. It covers areas such as rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, and different forms and styles of vocal music.
Grade Eight
Academic Courses
In eighth grade, students have three math course options to choose from:
- Algebra
This is the core course for grade eight. The course meets Michigan standards and grade level expectations for middle school algebra, preparing students for high school math requirements.
- Pre-Algebra
This course is for students who qualify through placement by their grade seven teachers. It prepares students for high school algebra and meets individual learning needs through pacing, working with supported instruction and collaborative work with peers.
- Geometry
This course is for students who have successfully completed the algebra program in seventh grade. It meets high school geometry standards and covers standard geometry topics and pacing.
This course meets the requirements of the Michigan Core Curriculum for secondary students and introduces concepts and vocabulary of Earth Science. Major topics include fluid earth, earth in time, and solid earth, as well as developing inquiry learning skills and focusing on topics about scientific method.
Social Studies
This course integrates the Michigan core curriculum standards to teach students United States history from the US Constitution through the 19th century, with a focus on integrating literacy skills.
This course uses the New Testament to teach lessons of our faith, engaging students through worship, community activities, New Testament stories, lessons, Bible study, memory work, and a reformed Christian perspective.
Co-Curricular Courses
This program encompasses six design and media goals, including perception, conceptualization, visual organization, creative expression, applications skills, and aesthetic appreciation for the visual arts. Students study and apply design elements, various media processes, knowledge of art styles and themes in this year-long course.
Physical Education
This program involves students in health and fitness activities, developing skills and proficiency in various team and individual sports, as well as fitness options such as dance, track and field events, gymnastics. It also offers various movement experiences and opportunities for decision-making. Classes are separated for girls and boys, providing focused experiences.
Elective Performance Courses
All music programs are elective, but students must choose to take one music program. Students may choose to only participate in band, orchestra or choir. Or a student may choose to participate in both band and choir or in both orchestra and choir.
Choral Music
The choral program integrates knowledge of reading, understanding, performance skills, and aesthetic appreciation of choral music. Focus areas include rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, approach to vocal music and awareness of various forms and styles.
Music, band and orchestra classes are held three days a week. Students may choose to participate in one instrumental group. It's important to carefully consider the commitment involved in being a member of a performing group. Students who choose to join band or orchestra must commit to a full school year of rehearsals and performances.
String Orchestra
The strings program offers an orchestra experience that integrates knowledge of reading, understanding, performing and valuing music. The focus areas include rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, and various forms and styles of vocal music.
The band program integrates knowledge of reading, understanding, performing and valuing music through a performance experience. It covers areas such as rhythm, melody, harmony, musical form, tone color, expression, and different forms and styles of vocal music.
High School Curriculum
We provide strong preparation for college and career. Our rigorous curriculum covers math, science, English, social science, foreign language, religion, art, music, computer training, physical education, business education, applied technology, and family and consumer sciences - all taught from a reformed Christian perspective. 94% of our graduates attend colleges and universities, and their performance on college entrance exams reflects the excellent quality of their education.
Our dedicated teachers are committed to providing each student with a Christian, academically excellent education. Most of our faculty members hold at least a master's degree, and the rest are working towards one. Our teachers continue their education through graduate course work, in-service training, conventions, conferences, and mini-grants.
The average class size is 25 students.
AdvancED Accreditation