
Holding hands in praise

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Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Check out our award winning Lights, Camera, Action course project video: The Sharp Pencil. The Sharp Pencil won Best of Show at the 56th Michigan Student Film Festival!!

Have you heard of Winterim? Winterim is one of the offerings at our high school that sets us apart from other schools. Our high school students engage in a two-week learning experience each winter that they choose.  These experiences range from:

  • Unique on-campus courses
  • Domestic travel
  • International travel
  • Professional internships

This concentrated exposure and immersion in a chosen field provides an uncommon learning opportunity where our students gain valuable tools to foster their true gifts, leading them to be effective servants of Christ in contemporary society.



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Winterim Coordinator

Brian Karsten

Winterim Assistant

Carolyn Groendyk

Winterim Internship Coordinator

Abby Vredeveld

Director of Admissions

Vickie Fischer