Each student learns and develops at their own individual rate. Children learn best when they can learn at their own speed. Education experts tell us that age is a poor predictor of a child’s developmental stage. Some students are already reading at age four or five while others take much longer to distinguish letters and words. Yet those same “slow readers” may be able to master mathematical equations much quicker than their peers. Multi-age classrooms, paired with Evergreen’s educational concepts, allow for flexibility. Multi-age classrooms accommodate the developmental continuum of all students—from remedial to advanced.
In a multi-age classroom, age distinctions are greatly reduced. Our students are grouped into four levels, which generally correspond to developmental stages: Multi-age pre-school consists of three, four and young five year olds; Team 1 comprises students traditionally in kindergarten and first grade Team 2 includes students in grades two and three; and Team 3 is made up of students in grades four and five.
In a multi-age classroom the “older” students model learning, appropriate behavior and can explain how their team works to younger or new classmates. The “olders” are not the only ones leading. Younger students’ learning can be challenged or enhanced by learning with older students. All students are able to learn from each other--building a sense of community and teamwork. The skills children develop when they learn how to work together stay with them for a lifetime.