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iXplore Week takes place during the week following Spring Break. This innovative interim week of experiential and exploratory learning promotes discovery, creativity, curiosity, connection, reflection, and responsibility.

iXplore Week offers a variety of experiences and opportunities to learn beyond the core curriculum. The goal is to deepen students' awareness of their spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth as they develop and pursue new interests and passions.

During iXplore Week, students in grades five through eight can choose classes or experiences. Additionally, students at each grade level will participate in large group activities and simulations incorporating service learning and problem-solving into the curriculum. This prepares students to be informed, responsible, and involved servants and leaders. 

Classes and experiences range from no cost to over $200 per student. Financial aid is available to assist with fees related to experiences during the week. For more information,  contact Mr. Burgess.

iXplore Registration Schedule:

  • In October the iXplore Week registration form is sent home. This form gives your child the chance to choose their top five choices for experiences/classes taking place the following April.
  • Middle school students need to have their parent/guardians permission and agreement before selecting classes. The forms must be signed by a parent/guardian. Please review the registration form and make sure to sign off on the experiences/classes your child selects.
  • Student’s first choice is not guaranteed. They will receive one of their five choices.
  • Classes and experiences are generally designed for seventh and eighth graders, fifth and sixth graders, or fifth through eighth graders. 
  • Signed iXplore registration forms are due later in October. After the forms are received, your child will be assigned to an iXplore experience/class. 

iXplore FAQS




Sara Seth

Director of Admissions

Linda Vellenga