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Iroquois Principal's Corner

Iroquois Principal's Corner - March 5, 2024

Have you ever bought something at a store that had an “As Is” tag on it? This tag indicates that you get this item and everything that comes along with it. It might be broken or stained, and that you take the item as is. No exchanges. No trades. 

Each one of us comes with an “As Is” tag. We come into this world with imperfections. When we live and work and go to school with and exist with others, we get everything that comes with them. Their brokenness, their imperfections, everything. No exchanges and no trades. That includes ourselves. When we notice the imperfections of others, we cannot forget to realize our own imperfections. We are all taken as is.

A critical practice we all need to have when being in community is the acceptance of others. That practice is emulated in how we treat each other. John Ortberg talks about this in his book, Everybody’s Normal Till You Get to Know Them. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. He says, “Acceptance is an act of the heart. To accept someone is to affirm to them that you think it’s a very good thing they are alive.” That’s a powerful statement! I am not saying we have to approve of or agree with others, but we certainly should show someone else, in some way, that we value them. And we can do that in a variety of ways. A smile, eye contact, a warm greeting, an encouraging note, a text, and so on. Teachers at Iroquois work hard with their students on being Thoughtful Neighbors, and accepting classmates with their “As Is” tags attached! 

At school, or work, or church, or home, remember we all have those “As Is” tags. Acceptance of others and ourselves is an act of the heart. As we seek God’s Kingdom, may you feel his presence as you interact and exist alongside others. Have a great week!

John Barkel

John Barkel

Grand Rapids Christian
Elementary School
Iroquois Campus


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