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Rockford Christian Principal's Corner

Rockford Principal's Corner — March 17, 2020

Our theme for this year at Rockford Christian is “Love in Action”. Just as we’ve shifted learning off-campus, I wonder how we might continue to live into Paul’s words from Romans 12:9-21 over the next month? 

Some ways jumped out to me right away. Verse 10 says “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

What a good reminder for all of us as we share close quarters and form new routines. Ask your children to think about what this might look like, sound like, and feel like in your house. I’m sure the CDC would be quick to point out that “social distancing” is, in fact, a tangible way to honor others! I’ll admit too, that verse 13’s call to “share with the Lord’s people who are in need” made me think about toilet paper.

Of course, the Apostle Paul had other examples in mind, but I think the bigger point is how do we make sure those in our community — especially the most vulnerable — are loved and supported through these uncertain times?

I wanted to be sure to mention as well, how clearly I’ve seen “Love in Action” over the last week:

Mr. Bakker has gone above and beyond to ensure our school is clean and sanitized.

Teachers have worked with focus and care as they’ve set up meaningful, developmentally-appropriate off-campus learning opportunities for their students.

Our talented technology folks have assembled a host of resources to support teachers and students through this new endeavor.

Parents have picked up learning resources for their children and begun setting up “classrooms” in bedrooms, dining rooms, and kitchens.

I feel blessed and grateful to be a part of this community and will dearly miss my morning high fives at the drop-off line!

In Him,

—Ben Buursma

Ben Buursma

Ben Buursma

Rockford Christian School


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