Student's Name as it appears on photo ID (driver's license, passport)
I understand the deposit for this trip is $450. The balance due before approved financial aid: $5,050.00. Approved financial aid will be applied to your account balance in September.
I have completed the online enrollment on eftours.com using the enrollment code: 2681135XW
I agree to attend all trip meetings and follow up on all emails sent to me by my trip leader, even over summer break.
I understand that if I violate any rule of GR Christian High, as outlined in the school’s handbook, while on this trip, I may be sent home at my own expense.
I understand that if I violate any rule of GR Christian High (behavioral or attendance), as outlined in the school’s handbook, before leaving on the trip, I may forfeit my opportunity to go on the trip and that deposits and payments may not be refundable.
I understand that it is solely my responsibility to obtain all travel documents including a passport, visa, and/or notarized letter.
I understand it is solely my responsibility to obtain the suggested immunizations for this trip. For the safety and convenience of all travelers, all CDC-recommended vaccines are strongly suggested and may be required by specific countries and/or partner organizations and travel companies.
I understand that any posting on social media will adhere to the GRCS Technology Handbook policy stating that any postings are God-honoring, responsible, ethical, and legal.
I understand that there are dress code expectations for this trip and will adhere to those expectations.
Student Electronic Signature
Parent/Guardian Electronic Signature
Please send a confirmation email to the address below*: