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Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in volunteering in our schools. The extensive involvement of volunteers throughout the years has contributed greatly to the success of our schools and our students.

There are many ways in which you can make a difference. Volunteer opportunities exist in the classrooms working directly with teachers and students, chaperoning field trips, assisting at recess or at lunch time, or helping out at a PTO function, athletics, or extracurricular event. Volunteering can be very rewarding - which is why many of our volunteers return year after year.

In an effort to keep our schools safe, a background check is required for volunteers who work one-on-one with students, accompany students on overnight activities, supervise students in an activity with limited oversight by school staff, and/or work with student athletes.

Applying to volunteer is easy!

Step 1: Submit Application

Volunteer Application

Step 2: Volunteer Background Check/iCHAT

Applicants are subjected to a volunteer background check through the State of Michigan. When you submit your application, the background check happens automatically.

Step 3: Receive Notification

Processing time is approximately two weeks. You will receive notification of approval via email. In the case that you are denied, you will receive a phone call from  a member of our staff. A notice will also be sent to the building principal, but it will not include any details of the background check or the reason for denial.