Eagles Always Rise! What an amazing evening it was as we celebrated 100 years of God’s faithfulness! From the opening reception to the closing song, from honoring Superintendent Tom DeJonge as the Richard M. DeVos Distinguished Alumni to looking forward to the next century as we welcomed Superintendent Elect Aaron Winkle, from the music of our students to the words of our leaders, the room was filled with joy and excitement.
We are so grateful for the Grand Rapids Christian Schools community - those who attended the event, those who gave a gift to support our students and families, and those for whom GRCS holds a special place in their heart. See below for photos and links to the videos that were shown at the event.
Because of the generosity of the GRCS community, over $660,000 has been given to the Eagles Fund! To join in honoring this significant milestone and invest in the future of our students, click on the link below.
Honorary Committee
David and Carol Van Andel
James and Shirley Balk
James and Shirley Balk
Bill and Laurie Boer
Cheri DeVos
Dan and Pamella DeVos
Dick and Betsy DeVos
Doug and Maria DeVos
Ted and Barb Etheridge
Ron and Debra Haan
James and Barbara Haveman
Olivia Haverkamp (2001-2020)
Paul and Rose Heule
Cate and Sid Jansma, Jr.
Doug and Kathy Kool
Doug (1931-2021) and Lois Nagel
Mark Peters
Isabella Brady-Peters
Rick and Deb Start
Thomas and Mary Stuit
Dave and Kelly Tuit
Rick and Mary Vanden Berg
Daniel and AnnMarie VanEerden
Mike and Gayle VanGessel
Bob and Grace VanTimmeren
Max and Carol Van Wyk
Tom and Laurie Welch
Eagles Always Rise Celebration Videos
100 Years of GRCS - Eagles Always Rise
Alumni Video
What will GRCS be like in 100 years?
Richard DeVos Distinguished Alumni Award
The Story Continues
Photos from the Evening
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Title Sponsor
Visionary Sponsors
Anonymous Sponsor
Innovation Sponsors
Ron and Jodi Alvesteffer
Leadership Sponsors
Anonymous Sponsor
Bill and Laurie Boer
Caleb and Amy Doezema
Brad Haverkamp
Doug and Kathy Kool
Mark Peters and Isabella Brady-Peters
Dave and Laurie Petersen
Henry and Dorothy Schierbeek
Rick and Deb Start
Daniel and AnnMarie VanEerden Family Foundation
Max and Carol Van Wyk
Mission Sponsors
Anonymous Sponsor
John and Ginny Baysore
Greg and Betsy Broene
Tom and Jacquie DeJonge
Scott and Kaitlin DeMaagd
Bob and Sue Eames
David French
Jim and Barb Haveman
Paul and Rose Heule
Bernice Heys
Harland Holman and Kira Sieplinga
Bob and Paulette Israels
Jamie and Becky Kuiper
Khan and Liza Nedd
Tom and Mary Stuit
Glenn and Nancy Triezenberg
Mike and Gayle VanGessel
Bob and Grace VanTimmeren
Dave and Jodi VanWingerden
for questions and sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Dana Stenstrom
Director of Events
616.340.8440 | dstenstrom@grcs.org
Assistant Superintendent of Advancement and Instruction