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Planned and Estate Giving

Now, more than ever, we need your help to build a vibrant future for Grand Rapids Christian Schools. No matter what economic environment we find ourselves in, a strong and growing endowment is critical to maintaining the Schools’ high quality and Christian academic standards.

Estate commitments in the form of bequests and other planned gifts provide significant support for the Foundation’s future advancement. Thoughtful estate planning by alumni, parents, and friends has played a major role in our ability to meet the Schools’ mission: to prepare students to be effective servants of Christ in contemporary society.

Over fifty years ago, J. Herman Fles established the Grand Rapids Christian School Foundation as a permanent resource of funding to meet the changing needs of the Schools. Because of this vision, the Foundation has grown to over $17 million in assets and now provides more than $750,000 in essential funding every year to the Schools. 

However, more is needed.

With your support, new endowment can be created to help

  • Reduce the cost of tuition for all families.
  • Provide need-based scholarships.
  • Underwrite important academic programs.
  • Support teachers’ professional development.
  • Sustain facility maintenance.


Friends of Grand Rapids Christian Schools join the J. Herman Fles Society by including the Schools in their will or estate plan. As a member of theJ. Herman Fles Society, you add your name to the long list of supporters who care deeply about Christian education and want to strengthen the Schools for the next generation of students. 

Please join us as we strengthen Grand Rapids Christian Schools for the next generation of students. 



For more information about Grand Rapids Christian Schools, its development efforts, and giving opportunities, please contact:


Aaron Winkle

Executive Director of Development